Modern Slavery Statement

At Sino Iron, we are deeply committed to upholding and protecting the human rights of our personnel, suppliers, vendors, customers, and the communities in which we operate. As part of this commitment, we recognise the global risk posed by modern slavery, including forced labour, debt bondage, child labour, and human trafficking.

We understand that the risk of modern slavery exists across global supply chains, and we actively work to prevent any potential involvement in these practices. This is a core part of our broader commitment to operate safely, responsibly and ethically.

Our Commitment

Preventing modern slavery and ensuring respect for human rights are integral to our sustainability goals. We expect all CPM employees, suppliers, and partners to remain vigilant and to take action to prevent andaddress modern slavery risks. Our approach includes targeted training programs, risk mitigation strategies, and a robust due diligence process to ensure the effectiveness of our efforts.


CPM is always looking for opportunities to collaborate with industry peers to develop and strengthen policies and regulations aimed at combating modern slavery. We also contribute to broader initiatives that support the protection of human rights in the industries in which we operate.

Transparency and Accountability

We are committed to transparency in our approach to modern slavery. Each year, we publish a detailed Modern Slavery Statement outlining our efforts to address modern slavery risks, assess our effectiveness, and identify areas for improvement. Our statement includes:

  • A description of our structure, operations, and supply chains.
  • Our due diligence processes, including risk assessments and stakeholder engagement.
  • Our grievance mechanisms and remediation processes.
  • How we evaluate the effectiveness of our actions.

Moving Forward

We support modern slavery legislation in Australia and globally, and we will continue to engage and implement best practices to further strengthen our approach to preventing modern slavery in our operations and supply chains.

For more details, please read our Modern Slavery Statement

