
We value our employees and want them to grow and develop throughout their careers. Developing our people is an essential part of our success at CPM – now and for the future.

Our training encompasses a range of development programs for trades, operational, professional and managerial roles. These programs are supported with a combination of on-the-job and off-the-job activities, coaching and mentoring, external vendor support, traineeships and apprenticeships, and online learning programs.

Before you arrive at Sino Iron

We require all our employees, contractors and visitors to undergo a suitable level of training before arrival at Sino Iron for the first time to ensure safety in the workplace. Our SinoONE site mobilisation system will ensure you’ve met all training requirements prior to travelling to site and will flag if there are further requirements for when you arrive on site.

Job Search


Life on Site


SinoONE Contractor Access
