Building A New Industry

CITIC Pacific Mining (CPM) is spearheading the growth of a new industry in Australia through the large scale mining and downstream processing of magnetite iron ore.

Our project is making it possible to produce steel from resources in Australia that have been considered low value until now.

As opposed to hematite iron ore that is traditionally mined in Western Australia, magnetite ore requires beneficiation before it can be exported for use in the steelmaking process. Once this occurs, the resulting concentrate is a premium feedstock for steel mills.

Process Comparison

Quick Facts – Magnetite vs Hematite

  • Downstream processing of ore required to extract value, involving crushing, screening, grinding, magnetic separation and filtering.
  • Sino Iron magnetite concentrate has an iron grade of about 65% Fe. Magnetite concentrate is an ideal feedstock for the production of pellets which are a sought after material for steel production, using less energy and delivering better environmental outcomes. 
  • No processing required as crushed ore is directly exported.
  • Often referred to as 'Direct Shipping Ore' or 'DSO'.
  • Ore gets crushed and screened to ensure appropriate size for exporting.

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