Four Pilbara-based community initiatives focused on wildlife protection, cultural understanding, promoting active lifestyles for local children and community sport have been announced as the latest recipients of CITIC Pacific Mining’s Community Support Fund (CCSF).

CPM will continue its long-standing relationship with Pilbara Wildlife Carers Association ($5,000), a volunteer organisation supporting the ongoing care and rehabilitation of wildlife in the Cape Preston area. The association’s Caring for Cape Preston program has rehabilitated many native animals found at CPM’s Sino Iron operation (such as pictured here).

Other initiatives receiving the CCSF grants include Northwest Multicultural Association ($2,880) for its Community Language Program: Learning Mandarin and Chinese Culture; the Mini Movers program at Karratha Kats Netball Club ($4,000), which supports early engagement in sport for children aged between three and five years; and the Nickol Hawks Cricket Club’s Community Winter Cricket program ($5,000) running every Saturday night from May until September 2022.

Two CCSF application rounds are held annually, with up to $5,000 available per application. The fund was established following introduction of CPM’s Containers for Change recycling initiative, with returns from drink container recycling at the Sino Iron operation reinvested into community projects via the grants program.

Focus areas for grant funding are:
• Education and training
• Healthy, active lifestyles
• Cultural learning and exchange
• Environmental responsibility
• Youth support and development.

Congratulations to all recipients of this round of the CCSF grant.

To learn more about the CPM Community Support Fund’s Grands Program, go to