More than 60 women gathered at Sino Iron to celebrate International Women’s Day on Friday, including high school students from Karratha Senior High School and St Luke’s College Karratha.

Over a long table lunch, the women heard from a panel of inspiring speakers who are carving out careers with CITIC Pacific Mining - including Robe River Kuruma Youth Council Chair Emmajean Evans and CPM mining career ambassadors, Health & Safety Advisor Badenia Richer, Superintendent MPRS Jessica Zheng, Haul Truck Driver Cath Siddal and Superintendent Facilities & Logistics Judi Wynne.

Students and teachers also toured site to see first-hand some career pathways involved with the technology and downstream processes which makes Sino Iron different to most iron ore operations in Australia today.
Image - CITIC Pacific Mining panellists
Image - High school students at the Sino Iron mine pit