Despite community-wide social distancing measures temporarily impacting its operations, Roebourne PCYC is continuing to find ways to support local residents through these difficult times, with the help of CITIC Pacific Mining (CPM).

Utilising its extensive networks both in town and surrounding remote Aboriginal communities, PCYC has become the primary distributor for up to 10,000 disposable facemasks, donated by CPM.

An additional measure in the fight against coronavirus, the masks will be used at the discretion of community-based providers of frontline services to those in need -particularly in locations where COVID-19 poses a greater risk to residents.

Beneficiaries include Yaandina Community Services, Mawarnkarra Health Services and the Cheeditha and 5-Mile Mingullatharndo communities. Karratha-based One Tree Community Services will also receive the personal protective equipment.

Roebourne PCYC representative Vish Sharma said:

“It’s critically important we do everything possible to keep COVID-19 out of our vulnerable communities. Our providers of frontline services and the communities themselves were very keen to take up CITIC’s generous offer to source and supply additional protective equipment.”

CPM Facilities and Logistics Manager Wei Tang said the company had a multicultural workforce – some with family and friends who had lived through the first days of the pandemic back in China.

“The uplifting messages and on-ground support from the WA community for the people of Wuhan during this time was greatly appreciated,” Wei said.

“As a company with a significant number of Chinese-heritage staff, we’re very keen to recognise this kindness by supporting the local community where we can.

“It’s a challenging period for everyone – particularly those at the frontline supporting at-risk communities.”

CPM, developer and operator of the Sino Iron project 100km south of Karratha, is a long-time supporter of Roebourne PCYC.

Sino employs approximately 3000 people and is Australia’s largest magnetite producer.